Transit Lounge
Transit in Beijing, from international/regional flights to international/regional flights, with transit time of four hours or more..
Note: Interline ticket refers to tickets specifying two or more flights.
4 hours of rest in room / unlimited rest lounge / free snacks and drinks / free Internet access and shower
You can obtain other services in the lounge at a 20% discount..
Notes on services
1. Tickets beginning with numbers other than 999
2. Code-share flights
3. Tickets for unaccompanied children
4. Mileage redemption tickets
5. Non-revenue passengersThis offer applies to Air China passengers transiting from international flight to international flight in Beijing, when the onward flight does not include a domestic segment, transit is on the same day and transit time is more than four hours. It applies to ticket fares, excluding infant tickets, as specified by Air China. Infants traveling with adults may accompany them in the lounge.
Note:Please be aware that this service only includes a transit resting place that Air China offers passengers. Air China does not assume any responsibility for any problems that may arise during the provision of this service.